Kansas Methods Of Administration (MOA) Program
The Kansas MOA Plan outlines procedures for civil rights compliance activities to be conducted by the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) for secondary institutions and the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) for postsecondary institutions delivering Career Technical Education (CTE).
The plan describes the process that KSDE and KBOR staff will follow to incorporate multiple data sources to identify disproportionate enrollment and other areas of potential discrimination and select subrecipients for onsite compliance reviews. The plan also describes how KSDE and KBOR will identify technical assistance needs related to civil rights compliance and provide training and technical assistance to subrecipients.
This plan is submitted pursuant to the program memorandum issued February 6, 2020 by the Office for Civil Rights and the Office for Career Technical and Adult Education.
Civil Rights Monitoring Information
Staff from KSDE and KBOR conduct desk audits and on-site monitoring visits to institutions delivering approved CTE pathways and programs to monitor compliance with Federal civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education. Desk audits will occur annually according to this chart and the Kansas MOA Plan.
KBOR Civil Rights Compliance On-Site Coordinator’s Manual is available to assist postsecondary institutions in reviewing their current policies and practices and in preparing for an on-site monitoring visit. More detailed information regarding specific laws applicable may be found at the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights website. About OCR (ed.gov)
For questions about the Kansas MOA Program, contact Tobias D. Wood, the postsecondary MOA Coordinator at