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In 2012, Governor Brownback launched a plan to enhance career technical education in Kansas and better prepare high school students for college and careers. Senate Bill 155 was the enacting legislation, and beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, Kansas high school students qualify for state-funded college tuition in approved technical courses offered by Kansas technical and community colleges.  


Snapshot of Success


SB155 Website Image HANDOUT: Excel in Career Technical Education Initiative  (January 2025) (pdf)


Postsecondary career technical education has experienced significant growth in the number of students participating in technical courses, the college credit hours generated, and credentials earned by students in high school since the inception of the initiative in 2012.  

2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Participating Headcount 3,475 13,675 13,934 12,529 13,712 15,264 16,242
College Credit Hours Generated 28,000 105,084 109,226 98,681 105,509 115,517 126,856
Credentials Earned -- 1,803 1,631 981 1,656 1,636 1,418

 Updated: February 2023

Academic Year 2025 Excel in cTe fees

Technical programs may have associated fees for items such as textbooks, tools, and personal protective equipment for students to effectively participate in coursework. The following list includes fees approved by the Technical Education Authority in March 2024, effective for Academic Year 2025. Fees listed are totals for each specific award level within a given program. Students must verify specific Excel in CTE fees with their institution upon applying to take courses. Please contact the community and technical colleges directly for information on applicable fees and opportunities for funding assistance.

Note: ALL technical education courses included in technical programs approved by the Kansas Board of Regents are eligible for tuition reimbursement. This is a list of the separate fees that may be applicable on a per-program basis at each institution.

Academic Year 2025 Excel in CTE Fees


Online Excel in CTE Courses by Institution

Various Excel in CTE tuition-eligible courses are offered online by technical and community colleges. The following institutions have compiled a listing of Excel in CTE-eligible courses which include an online component available Fall 2024/Spring 2025.

The following is not a complete list of all technical and community colleges that offer Excel in CTE-eligible courses, nor all Excel in CTE-eligible courses that are offered online. Please contact the community and technical colleges directly for information on how to sign up for courses, if you would like more information on the courses available, or have any additional questions.

Participating Institutions 
Allen Community College

Barton Community College

Cloud Community College

Coffeyville Community College

Cowley Community College

Fort Scott Community College

Garden City Community College

Highland Community College

Hutchinson Community College

Kansas City Kansas Community College

Neosho County Community College

Pratt Community College




IMAGE-LINK SB155-QC April2016 2024-2025 Qualifying Credentials - approved April 2024 (pdf)
Note: ALL technical education courses approved by the Kansas Board of Regents are eligible
for tuition reimbursement. This is a list of the high need/high demand credentials that are
eligible for the incentive.
Capture SB155-FAQ

FAQ: Excel in Career Technical Education - updated December 2018 (pdf)

You can also visit the Kansas Career Technical Education Program Search to find information on career education training opportunities from 26 Kansas public technical and community colleges.

Career Technical Education (CTE) Credential and transition incentive for employment success (SB123)

Signed into law during the 2023 legislative session, SB123 directs school districts to pay for assessment fees for identified career technical education (CTE) credentials upon student request. The State Board of Education and the State Board of Regents, after consultation with the Secretary of Labor, the Secretary of Commerce and representatives of industries that recognize career technical education credentials, have jointly approved a list of eligible industry-sought credentials for Academic Year 2024. Interested students should contact their school district for more information.

2024-2025 SB123 Credential List (pdf)


excel in cte National Recognition

In 2013, the initiative received national recognition as “Top Ten Innovations to Watch” from the Brookings Institute.

In the September 2013 issue of Techniques, a national monthly magazine published by The Association for Career and Technical Education, Martin Kollman of the Kansas State Department of Education and Lisa Beck of the Kansas Board of Regents published the article: “Free CTE College Tuition and Certification Funding: KS SB155 at Work.”