The following are resources faculty and staff members may utilize to help support OER implementation across institutions. 

 BCCampus Resources to help faculty adopt, adapt, and evolve their teaching and learning practices to create a better experience for students - includes an Open Textbook database
 Digital Commons (bepress) Solution to openly publish, manage and showcase journals, conference proceedings, open educational resources, books, campus newsletters and magazines
 Floe Inclusive Learning Design handbook to assist teachers, content creators, web developers, and others in creating adaptable and personalized resources
 LibreTexts Free online textbook library for accessing, developing, and sharing texts
 Manifold Open source platform for scholarly publishing that fosters community and encourages discussion
Pressbooks Open textbook creation software for retaining, reusing, revising, remixing, and redistributing openly licensed textbooks and educational materials
 OER Commons Public digital library for exploring, creating, and collaborating with educators around the world
 OpenStax Platform for publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are free or low cost
Open Textbook Library Textbooks that have been funded, published, and licensed to be freely used, adapted, and distributed
SPARC Global coalition committed to making Open the default for research and education
Open Education Creative Commons Works to minimize barriers to effective education, supporting the CC mission through education, training, advocacy and outreach on using open licenses and open policies to maximize benefits of open education
Marking Open and Affordable Courses: Best Practices and Case Studies from Mavs Open Pressavs Open Press The first and only guide for institutions navigating the uncharted waters of course material markings
Open Language Resource Center at The University of Kansas Free resource for high-quality, openly licensed curricular materials for foreign languages
Skills Commons A free and open digital library of workforce training materials - browse by industry, credentials, or material type
Community College Consortium for OER Consortium committed to expanding access to education and increasing student success through adoption of OER policy, practices, and resources


Course Recommendations

These resources have been vetted through our institution's faculty representatives and are recommended for the following courses:

English Composition I

General Psychology

College Algebra

Public Speaking
