Systemwide English Composition I placement measures and corequisite English developmental support are both critical to the AY 2024 - AY 2026 Performance Agreements.  Currently, the English Course Placement Measures Committee is working to establish systemwide measures (using multiple measures) to place into English Composition I.  Members of the committee are listed below.

Systemwide English Course Placement Measures Committee

  • Mary Beth Harris - Emporia State University
  • Eric Leuschner - Fort Hays State University
  • Karin Westman/Abby Knoblauch - Kansas State University
  • Mary Jo Reiff - University of Kansas
  • Janet Zepernick - Pittsburg State University
  • Darren DeFrain - Wichita State University
  • Melanie Burdick (co chair) - Washburn University
  • Stephanie Joiner (co chair) - Barton Community College
  • Melissa Gunby - Coffeyville Community College
  • Geneva Diamond - Dodge City Community College
  • Andrea Broomfield - Johnson County Community College
  • Nate Arida - Wichita State University Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology


Corequisite English developmental support - Professional Development & Implementation

We are working on creating professional development sessions to assist English faculty in creating corequisite developmental support sections for English Composition I.  We anticipate sessions beginning as soon as October.  Dates and session information will be posted here as they are finalized.