Building a Future is helping Kansas families by focusing on three key areas.

 Affordability Calculator


Access Open Doors


Success Diploma


The Kansas Board of Regents is implementing a number of promising practices to advance these strategic objectives.

Key Initiatives

  • Advocate for increased need-based student financial aid
  • Limit tuition and fee increases
  • Require student success playbooks with recommendations including:
    • Centralized professional advising
    • Targeted student financial aid
    • Improved interventions for at-risk students based on enhanced data collections
    • Better technology supports
  • Adopt systemwide general education core
  • Increase systemwide transfer
    • Implemented systemwide transfer associate degrees in a number of key areas including education, healthcare, computer science, business and social work
    • Continued work on systemwide transfer courses to open the door for more opportunities in fields such as engineering




A graphic depicting dollar bills representing student financial aid State funded student financial aid nearly quadrupled
A graphic depicting a bill, calculator and bar graph to show that tuition increases are less than half the rate of inflation Tuition and fee increases are less than half of CPI growth over the last five years
A graphic depicting a checklist and an arrow hitting a dollar sign in a bullseye to show decreasing student loan debt

Student loan debt of graduates who are Pell recipients has decreased 16 percent



A graphic depicting a figure pointing to a whiteboard while other figures observe

The system is providing college courses to 15.5 percent more high school students than five years ago

A graphic depicting a graduation cap and student financial aid awards

The number of Pell-eligible students in the system grew 4.9 percent last year



A graphic depicting a graduation cap

On-time graduation rates have increased 7.3 percentage points systemwide during the last five years

A graphic depicting a silhouette of an individual on a screen with circular arrows around it to demonstrate student retention

Retention rates have increased 3.1 percentage points

A graphic depicting a bar chart with increasing values with a dollar sign to demonstrate increasing wages

Starting wages for graduates from Kansas colleges and universities are up 16 percent since 2020