Dual Credit Cooperative Agreements

The Kansas Challenge to Secondary School Students Act, K.S.A. 72-3220 through 72-3224, (Challenge Act) provides a means for school districts, in cooperation with eligible postsecondary institutions, to challenge high school students by procuring early college opportunities. The Kansas Board of Regents encourages all system postsecondary institutions to collaborate with local school districts and provide dual credit opportunities to high school students through cooperative agreements entered pursuant to the Challenge Act. The Challenge Act does not mandate system postsecondary institutions to offer dual credit enrollment to students in local school districts. However, if an eligible system postsecondary institution chooses not to offer dual credit enrollment with local districts pursuant to the Challenge Act, in accordance with Board policy for Off-Campus Delivery of Academic Courses and Programs, the home institution shall allow eligible system postsecondary institutions outside the institution’s service area to provide the Challenge Act opportunities with those school districts. The Challenge Act requires dual credit to be offered only through a cooperative agreement.

“Dual Credit Cooperative Agreement” means a written memorandum of understanding between an eligible postsecondary institution and a school district entered pursuant to the Kansas Challenge to Secondary School Students Act for the purpose of offering dual credit courses to eligible students who receive both high school credit and college credit.

For more information, contact your local high school. Policies are found in Chapter III, Section A of the Policy Manual

See additional information located under Academic Affairs, Dual Credit.

Dual Credit Resources

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