See Chapter I., Section A.3. for definition of Governance

See Chapter III., Section A. for additional academic affairs policies applicable to state universities.

  1. Academic Calendar
  2. Course Numbering System
  3. Credit By Examination
  4. Credit for Courses Involving Travel
  5. Program Review
  6. Program Participation - Outside Funding
  7. New Academic Units and Academic Programs
  8. Intellectual Property
    1. General Copyright
    2. Patent & Copyrightable Software
    3. Trademark
    4. Institutional
  9. Naming of Academic Units
  10. Academic Advising
  11. University Press of Kansas
  12. Tenure and Tenure Track Instructional Workload


  1. Admission
    1. Undergraduate Students to State Universities
    2. Undergraduate Programs & Graduate Programs
    3. Auditing Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
  2. Individual Plans for Student Success
  3. Student Records
  4. Student Housing
  5. Student Health Insurance
  6. Student Residency, Tuition/Fees, and Payments
    1. Residence Classification for Fee Purposes
    2. Appeals
    3. Residence Committee
    4. Decisions of Residence Committee
    5. Guidelines
  7. Student Loans
  8. On-Campus Credit Card Solicitation
  9. Student Organizations and Activities
  10. Student Academic Dishonesty
  11. Student Complaint Process

Unless otherwise specifically stated, as used in the following provisions, the term "unclassified staff" does not include those positions that have been converted from classified to unclassified pursuant to K.S.A. 2011 Supp. 76-715a, and amendments thereto (i.e. University Support Staff). The words "benefits-eligible" and "full-time" as used herein shall not include positions or employees who are deemed to be full-time exclusively by virtue of the state of Kansas Health Care Commission's determination of eligibility for purposes of employer-provided healthcare coverage.  The terms “spouse” and “family” shall be defined in accordance with applicable United States Supreme Court holdings.

  1. Administrative Organization
  2. Appointments
    1. Chief Executive Officer
    2. Faculty and Staff
  3. Professorships
    1. Regents Distinguished Professorships
    2. Regents Distinguished Research Scholar
    3. The Kansas Partnership for Faculty of Distinction Program
  4. Promotions in Academic Rank
  5. Financial Exigency
  6. Suspensions, Terminations and Dismissals
  7. Notice Procedure for Non-Reappointment
  8. Evaluation of Faculty and Post-Tenure Review
  9. Faculty of the Year Award
  10. Leave
  11. Health Program and Other Insurance
  12. Commitment of Time, Conflict of Interest, Consulting and Other Employment
    1. General Principles
    2. Consulting for Other State of Kansas Agencies
    3. Reporting Requirements
    4. Use of University Name
    5. Campus Policy Development & Enforcement
    6. Distribution & Dissemination
  13. Political Activity
  14. Retirement
    1. Retirement Benefits
    2. Phased Retirement Program
  15. Emeritus/Emerita Status
    1. Chief Executive Officers
    2. Faculty & Other Administrative Officers
  16. Honoraria
  17. Withholding of Paychecks and Set-Off of Amounts Owed
  18. Kansas Tort Claim Act/Legal Defense of Employees
  19. Whistleblowing
  20. Reporting of Child Sexual Abuse

See Chapter III., Section B. for additional fiscal management policies applicable to state universities.

  1. Tuition and Fees
    1. Institutional Procedures
    2. Establishment or Alteration of Fees & Tuition Rates
    3. Calendar for Fees & Tuition Rate Adjustments
    4. Payment & Fees
    5. Tuition Assistance for Faculty/Staff
    6. Board Approval of Tuition & Fee Waivers Pursuant to K.S.A. 76-719c
  2. State Appropriations
    1. Unified State Appropriation Request
    2. State University Annual Operating Budgets
  3. Federal Funds
  4. Acceptance of Gifts
  5. Crowdfunding
  6. Financial Reporting
    1. Annual Financial Report
    2. Internal Audit Function
    3. Non-Public Funds Management Review
  7. Designation of Chief Financial Officer
  8. Financial Reserves
  9. Affiliated Corporations
  10. Auxiliary Enterprises
  11. Sales of Products and Services
    1. Sales of Products & Services to Students, Faculty, Staff, & University Guests
    2. Sales to the External Community
    3. c. Compliance
    4. d. Competition Grievance Procedure
  12. Service Clearing Activities
  13. Contracts
  14. Capital Financing
    1. Authorization
    2. Types of Debt
    3. Use of Debt
    4. Period of Debt
    5. Pledge of Available Revenue
    6. Refunding Bonds
    7. Responsibilities of the Board
    8. Responsibilities of the University
  15. Purchasing Pursuant to K.S.A. 76-769
  16. Purchasing Insurance
  17. Advertising
  18. Authorized Disposition of Surplus Property
  19. Refund from Fee Agency Accounts
  20. Sponsored Research Overhead
  21. The Kansas Partnership for Faculty of Distinction Program
  22. Vehicles and Equipment
  23. Travel
    1. Out-of-State Travel Requests - Faculty & Staff
    2. Out-of-State Travel Requests - Chief Executive Officers
    3. International Travel Request - Faculty, Staff and Chief Executive Officers
  24. Restricted Party Screening
  25. Visitors with Access to Restricted Material
  26. Information Technology and Security
  27. Enterprise Risk Management

Guiding Principle. Each state university shall inform the Board’s Director of Facilities in a timely manner about construction projects at each campus, including all relevant milestones (including design phases, procurement, and construction phases) and unforeseen changes. Consistent with Board policy on procurement, each capital project involving a state university, its affiliated corporations or other related organizations shall, for projects using state funds, be advertised and bid in a manner that advances and supports the mission of the university, promotes a competitive and fair procurement environment, and is open and transparent.

  1. Project Planning
    (Campus Master Plans)
  2. Summary of Approval Requirements
  3. Capital Improvement Projects
    1. Definitions
    2. Process
    3. Funding
    4. Annual Maintenance
  4. Maintenance Assessment
    1. Definitions
    2. Process
    3. Funding
  5. Facility Reports
  6. Energy Conservation Measures (K.S.A. 75-37,125)
  7. Obsolete Buildings
  8. Inspections
    1. State Fire Marshal
    2. Department of Administration
    3. Boiler & Other Inspections Required by Law
  9. Private Housing
  10. Reports Due
  11. Land Transactions
    1. Leases
    2. Easements
    3. Sale of Real Property
    4. Acquisition of Real Property
    5. Real Property Transactions with State University Endowments, Foundations, & Other Related Organizations
    6. Designation on the State or National Historic Register
  12. Occupancy Leases
  13. Naming of Buildings, Facilities and Campuses
    1. Authority for Naming
    2. Criteria
    3. Process
  14. Parking and Traffic Rules
  15. Weapons Possession
  16. Use of Campus Grounds and Facilities
  17. Consumption, Service and Sale of Alcohol in Non-Classroom Areas


  1. Interaction with Legislature, Courts, and Other State Agencies
    1. Legislative Appearances & Committee Hearings
    2. Legislative Requests & Proposed Legislation
    3. Legislative Post Audit Reports
    4. Information Requests from Other State Agencies
    5. Attorney General Opinions
    6. Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission Opinions
    7. State and Federal Court Actions
  2. Interference with Conduct of Institution
  3. Statement on Diversity and Multiculturalism
  4. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity and Title IX Sex Discrimination
  5. Racial, Sexual and Other Unlawful Harassment
  6. Use of Social Media by Faculty and Staff
  7. Use of Controversial Material, Including the use of Sexually Explicit Materials, in Instruction
  8. Sustainability and Implementation Principles
  9. Athletic Conferences
  10. Women's Sports