The Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program has become the centerpiece of the federal government’s efforts to ensure that all states and regions benefit from its science and engineering (S&E) research and education activities.  States that historically have received a disproportionately low per capita average of federal research dollars are eligible to apply for EPSCoR funds so that taxpayers in these states no longer subsidize the research efforts of states that historically receive a large share of federal research dollars.  The program also aims to improve the ability of EPSCoR-designated states to compete for federal and private sector research and development funding. The experience gained from competing successfully in a merit review process enables many scientists to compete more effectively later in the regular research programs of federal agencies.

Kansas is eligible to participate in active EPSCoR and EPSCoR-like grant competitions held by the Department of Energy (DOE), the National Aeronautics and Science Administration (NASA), the National Institutes of Health’ (NIH) Institutional Development Awards (IDeA), and the National Science Foundation (NSF).  While Kansas is also eligible to participate in EPSCoR competitions held by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Defense, these programs are inactive due to budget constraints.

The State of Kansas annually provides about $1 million in matching funds for the EPSCoR/IDeA programs, and other research that supports the state’s science and technology plan, Kansas B.E.S.T. for Innovation. The Kansas Legislature has assigned responsibility for the oversight of the State’s matching funds to the Kansas Board of Regents. The Board of Regents awards funds to advance the state’s science and technology infrastructure and human capital to ensure the state’s competitiveness within the country and abroad.

Funded Programs


Review Committee

The EPSCoR Program Review Committee, established in 2011, is responsible for reviewing proposals in light of Kansas research and development priorities, and for making recommendations to the Kansas Board of Regents regarding the suitability of projects for state matching funds.  The Committee typically meets in-person, once in the Fall. It reports through the Board’s Vice President for Academic Affairs. 

Appointment         Term Expires

Sam V. Kaplan, Ph.D.

Chief Operating Officer, Pinnacle Technology

Michael Parmely, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor, University of Kansas School of Medicine 

Bikram S. Gill, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Kansas State University

Randy Gorton, P.E., PTOE

Vice President, Public Works Group Director, BHC

Ram Gupta, Ph.D.

Professor of Chemistry and Associate Vice President for Research and Support at Pittsburg State University

Mike Beene

Assistant Commerce Secretary, Kansas Department of Commerce

Ex Officio
Rusty Monhollon, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Kansas Board of Regents Ex Officio


Application Process


For more information or assistance with this initiative, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 785.430.4288.