The Kansas Board of Regents is comprised of nine members, each of whom is appointed by the Governor of Kansas. Current Board members are listed below. Each Board Member also serves on various committees that address higher education issues. Their terms of office are indicated in parenthesis following their names.

Regent Benson Web Photo

Blake Benson
(June 2026)

Regent Dicus Web Photo

John B. Dicus
(June 2026)

Regent Ice Web 

Carl Ice
(June 2025)

Regent Johnston 

Alysia Johnston
(June 2027)


Regent Mendoza Web Photo

Diana Mendoza
(June 2026)

Regent Parasker 

Neelima Parasker
(June 2027)

Regent Jon Rolph Website

Jon Rolph
(June 2027)

Regent Winter Web

Wint Winter
(June 2025)


Blake Flanders, Kansas Board of Regents

Blake Flanders
President and CEO