These guidelines will help participants complete the Open Education Resource Stipend payment request form for completing a system-wide transfer general education course open education text recommendation webinar.
Participants shall present the webinar in accordance with the terms of the agency’s membership agreement, before submitting the online claim form for payment.
Please carefully read the following before submitting the online form:
1. Submission of this form certifies I have already provided the open education resource recommendations and presented the webinar with those recommendations. I have submitted all items requested. KBOR staff will confirm that the items and webinar have been submitted before you receive payment.
2. Complete ALL fields online. Your submission verifies that the claim and information provided is correct and the amount claimed is due according to the law. Claim form must be submitted before the agreed upon deadline.
3. Faculty members employed at one of our six KBOR Universities will receive their stipend payment through the university payroll system. Faculty members employed at all of the other system institutions will receive the payment directly to the address you provide. For those system employees, Board Finance Office may require submission of a current W-9 to facilitate payment processing. When a W-9 is required, Finance staff will email the claimant directly and request the return of a completed W-9 form via secure email. The email will be encrypted and the W-9 form shall be submitted via reply to the secure email to