Explore the below resources, produced by the Workforce Development staff at the Kansas Board of Regents.

  • Workforce AID. Employers in Kansas are leading the way to close the skills gap using lessons learned in supply chain management. "THE RIGHT TRAINING FOR THE RIGHT JOB. NOW." That's Workforce AID (Aligned with Industry Demand). It's a training program designed by companies who want to hire skilled workers NOW.

  • National Manufacturing Day takes place each Fall.  Click here to learn more. Participating students can experience different Career and Technical Education (CTE) exploration stations including welding, machining, robotics, aviation manufacturing and more, catching a glimpse of what a manufacturing career is all about.


Lumina Grant Resources


For more information on MOCs of interest click the below links to see their corresponding COOL webpage which includes information such as rating description, related credentials, related occupations, and other information.  IMPORTANT :  If you get a warning message when you arrive at the COOL page that says “Your connection is not private”, scroll down and click on the link to the bottom of the page, and click “Proceed to XXXX.mil” website.   This is the standard message when accessing a military website.

Army COOL:  

Navy COOL:  

Marine Corps COOL: