Complete Databook (pdf) - revised October 2013
2013 Glossary (pdf)
Section I: Finance
1.10 - Total Operating Expenditures at State Universities by Fund, FY2007-FY2012
1.12 - All Funds Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.13 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.14 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Object, FY2007-FY2012
1.30 - Total Operating Expenditures by Fund, FY2007-FY2012
1.32 - All Funds Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.33 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Program, FY2007-FY2012
1.34 - General Use Operating Expenditures by Object, FY2007-FY2012
1.40 - Gross General Use Educational Expenditures per Fall FTE Student, FY2007-FY2012
Section II: Tuition and Fees
2.1a - Resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013 Undergraduate Students
2.1c - Resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013 Graduate Students
2.1d - Non-resident Tuition Rates Approved for Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013 Graduate Students
2.2 - Tuition and Fees - Resident/Non-resident by Student Level, Academic Year 2013
2.3 - Five-Year Undergraduate Tuition and Fees Comparison, Academic Year 2008 and Academic Year 2013
2.4 - Ratio of Tuition Revenues to Educational Costs, FY2007-FY2012
2.6 - Relationship of Resident Tuition Per Semester and Consumer Price Index, FY1992-FY2012
2.7 - Relationship of Resident Tuition Per Semester and Per Capita Income, FY1992-FY2012
2.8 - Consumer Price Index (CPI - U) and Higher Education Price Index (HEPI), FY1991-FY2011
Section III: Students
3.1 - Enrollment Headcount by Institution, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.2 - Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment by Institution, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.3 - Demographic Profiles of Students at State Universities, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.4 - Enrollment Headcount by Institution and Gender, Fall 2007 - Fall 2012
3.5 - Average ACT Composite Scores Among Entering Freshmen, Academic Year 2008 - Academic Year 2013
3.6 - Degrees Conferred at State Universities by Type, Academic Year 2007 - Academic Year 2012
3.6a - Degrees Conferred at State Universities by Institution, Academic Year 2007 - Academic Year 2012
3.7 - Graduation Status of First-time, Full-time Freshmen (4,5,6, and 8-Year Cohort)
3.8 - One-Year Retention Rate of First-time, Full-time Freshmen, Fall 2006 - Fall 2010
3.81 - One-Year Retention Rate of 2010 Cohort, First-time, Full-time Freshmen by ACT Score
Section IV: Faculty and Staff
4.1 - Summary of Budgeted Positions by Program, FY2013
4.31 - Average Faculty Salaries by Academic Rank Full-time Instructional Faculty, FY2013
4.33 - Average Salary Increases Other Full-time, Continuing Personnel, FY2013
4.35 - Average Salaries of Instructional Faculty, Compared to Peer Institutions, FY2013
4.36 - Graduate Teaching Assistants by Number and Average Stipend, FY2013
4.4 - State Universities: Faculty by Age, FY2013
4.5 - Tenure Status of Institutional Personnel - State Universities, Fall 2012
4.6 - Faculty Resignations, Retirements, and Terminations by Institutions, FY2008-FY2012
Section V: Facilities
5.1 - Area and Replacement Cost of Buildings, Fall 2012
5.2 - Gross Area of Buildings by Condition Value (Excluding Buildings >50% Residential), Fall 2012
5.25 - Gross Area of Buildings by Age (Excluding Buildings >50% Residential), Fall 2012
5.3 - Utilization Data of Classrooms and Teaching Laboratories, Fall 2012
Institutional Profiles
University of Kansas - Medical Center