KBOR approves unified appropriation request
Regents request restoration of funding
(Topeka, Kan.) - The Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) approved its unified appropriation request for the public higher education system for the next two fiscal years today. For the state universities, the request includes $50 million for Fiscal Year 2020 and an additional $35 million for Fiscal Year 2021. The total investment of $85 million would create more opportunities for individual Kansans and provide Kansas businesses with the talent they need to succeed in this competitive economy.
State universities have seen repeated cuts since Fiscal Year 2009. The requested restoration of funding aligns with the Regents’ strategic goals of increasing the number of Kansans with a certificate, degree, or other credential, and will help keep higher education affordable for students and their families.
“Education beyond high school offers Kansas families the best path to prosperity, trains the skilled workforce demanded by businesses, and is an engine of economic growth,” said KBOR Chair Regent Dennis Mullin. “We are asking the Legislature to restore state universities and make other strategic investments in our students that will benefit our state’s economy.”
The request for state appropriation also includes tuition assistance for National Guard Members, full funding for the Excel in Career Technical Education Initiative, funding for the postsecondary tiered and non-tiered technical state aid gap, state aid for Washburn University, and funding for additional need-based student financial aid with a private match. The complete request for the next two fiscal years can be viewed here.
The Unified State Appropriations Request will now be sent to the Governor’s budget office.
For more information, please contact Matt Keith at (785) 430-4237 or
About the Kansas Board of Regents:
The nine-member Kansas Board of Regents is the governing board of the state’s six universities and the statewide coordinating board for the state’s 32 public higher education institutions (six state universities, one municipal university, nineteen community colleges, and six technical colleges). In addition, the Board administers the state’s student financial aid, adult education, high school equivalency, and career and technical education programs. Private proprietary schools and out-of-state institutions are authorized by the Kansas Board of Regents to operate in Kansas.